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We are pleased to be one of the few clinics in the UK offering this new innovative treatment. 


How does the nose thread lift procedure work?

A nose thread lift is a  quick and simple treatment, which can be completed within an hour. 

You will be given a topical form of anaesthetic on and around your nose to stop you from feeling discomfort or pain.

The Aesthetician performing the treatment will place special surgical sutures, known also as PDO threads, along the nasal bridge horizontally for height and septum for projection of your nose and then vertically up to your nose tip.


These PDO threads have a two-fold purpose – as scaffolding for the structure of your nose to help shape and contour it to produce the desired look, and as a stimulator for collagen production, so your body produces more collagen for your nose to give it a longer-lasting and more sustainable lift.


The exact number of PDO threads required varies from person to person and depends on other aspects like the results you want and the current shape of your nose.


Three Women
Mills Aesthetics PDO Nose Bridge Lift

What Results Can Nose Thread Lifts Achieve?

This cost-affordable and effective technique can be used to address various cosmetic issues you may have, including the following:

Nose Slimming – Although a PDO thread lift can’t change nose width, the procedure can be used to give your nose a slimmer appearance by simply lifting the bridge slightly.

Nose Tip Lift – Perhaps the most commonly requested reason for having a nose thread lift, the nose tip lift technique is also incredibly effective. If you have a nose tip that points downwards it makes your nose look longer.


If your nose tip droops, this can age your face. What’s more, the ligaments that support your nose and sit between the cartilage can weaken and cause the tip to drop.


A PDO thread lift replaces the support and lifts it to give your nose a shorter and more youthful appearance.

Nose Bridge Lift – If you would like your nose to be more defined with a bridge that sits higher, a thread lift can help.

Refining Your Nose Ridge – If you have a bump in your nose or a crooked nose, thread lifts can be used to reshape your nose tissue and give it a straighter appearance.


What are the benefits of a nose thread lift treatment?

There are several key benefits to having thread lift treatment, including:

  • As the results are only temporary, if you are not satisfied with how your nose looks or feels, you just need to wait for the PDO nose threads to naturally dissolve. This can take between 6 and 8 months.

  • Compared to traditional rhinoplasty, it is far more convenient and less expensive to have a nose thread lift

  • Nose thread lifts are not only very effective but very safe too

  • The treatment produces immediately visible results

  • There is no recovery time or downtime, which means you can continue with your everyday activities, including work and exercise almost at once

  • Although you are offered a topical anaesthetic cream to help reduce any discomfort and pain, you do not need a local anaesthesia or general anaesthesia

What are the limitations of a nose thread lift?

You need to remember a nose thread lift is not a permanent solution and will not change the actual cartilage structure of your nose. Therefore, if you are interested in significantly changing nose size, PDO threads are not going to give you the results you want.

Mills Aesthetics Nose Bridge Refinement
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