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Please read the aftercare Instructions below for Hip and Buttocks Fillers

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Body Contouring dermal fillers have an extensive range. The difference in choice between products in the range depends on the degree of crosslinking, size of the particles and the concentration of hyaluronic acid. Hence different products in this range can be tissue tailored for different uses. Since these products are of non-animal origin there is a negligible chance of allergic reactions.



Body Contouring range of dermal fillers are hyaluronic based and hence the effects are non-permanent but long-lasting. Like any other dermal filler, the duration of effect of this range is variable between clients and depends on several factors including age, type of skin, body metabolism, lifestyle, healthy living and immune system. These dermal fillers can last between 12 to 18 months depending on the factors described. Follow up treatments may be required of 50% every 12 months after the first treatment to maintain results.




We advise the following aftercare measures for the best results:


  1. Drink 1.5L of water per day, Hyalunronic Acid needs water to expand and survive. Dehydration causes the filler to break down faster.

  2. Keep the area clean.

  3. Wear shaper shorts for 3 days to relieve swelling

  4. Avoid taking blood thinning medications such as aspirin (Please consult your doctor if it is safe to do so).

  5. Avoid swimming, sun exposure. sunbeds, sauna or baths for 2 weeks.

  6. Buttocks - Refrain from sleeping on the back for one week. The filler needs time to settle in place and sleeping on your back can disrupt placement.

  7. Hips - Refrain from sleeping on your sides for one week. The filler needs time to settle in place and sleeping on your hips can disrupt placement.

  8. Exercising should be avoided for 2 weeks. The filler needs time to settle in place and exercise can disrupt the placement of the filler.

  9. Buttocks - Do not sit for more than 45 minutes at one time following the treatment. Stand up frequently to relieve pressure on the incisions

  10. Wear a tight fitting garment such as leggings or shaper shorts for 3 days following treatment

  11. ONLY take Paracetemol for pain relief, do NOT take asprin or Ibuprofen 

  12. DO NOT REMOVE THE BANDAGES FOR AT LEAST 5 DAYS. Once incisions are healed, gently massage the area in circular motion using palm of hand for 3 mins per day with clean hands to promote migration into the fat tissue.

  13. Icing the treatment area will help with redness and swelling


Day 1


The lidocaine (numbing agent) will start to wear off approx 4 hours after treatment. You may start to feel some swelling and discomfort. The filler will feel hard to touch and sometimes will look deformed as it pulls the skin inwards. This its totally normal and will start to blend in once the filler gets softer.


Day 2-4


You may feel swelling/pain where the filler has been placed. The filler will feel hard to touch. Icing the area will help with redness and swelling


Day 5-7


Remove bandages to check if incisions have closed, if incisions have not closed, please re=plaster and keep covered for another 3 days.

The swelling will start to subside, your skin may feel itchy where the skin is stretching to accommodate the filler. The filler will start to feel softer as it absorbs water and expands. 

Please massage the area in circular motion using the palm of your hand 3 times a day/3 mins to promote migration into the fat tissue


Days 8-14


The filler will become much softer like your own fat tissue and results are much more noticeable.



Please contact us urgently via email, whatssapp or by telephone if you experience any of the following:

  • Redness around the injection site

  • Extreme pain

  • Shivers

  • Fatigue

  • High temperature


This symptoms could be a sign of infection and we will need to act quickly.


Body Contouring fillers are hyaluronic acid dermal fillers and contain 20 - 24 mg of cross-linked Hyaluronic acid.


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